Saturday, May 12, 2007

allow me to brag on my husband for a bit . . . to...

allow me to brag on my husband for a bit . . .

tomorrow we leave for a seven-day caribbean cruise. yes, he's taking me on a cruise :)

i have the best husband ever -- and not just because he's taking me on a cruise. i cannot imagine being married to anyone else. or, choosing to not marry michael. last weekend, i went to a women's conference. during one of the sessions, the speaker through out some crazy statistic about how the majority of women interviewed, if given the opportunity again, would have chosen not to marry their husbands. i guess that's evident by the divorce rate in the u.s. still, my friends and i looked at each other agast. michael isn't perfect, but he's perfect for me.

last night he took me to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants: maggiano's. he bought me a new (and quite expensive) swimsuit for our cruise -- which he picked out himself. he tells me why he loves me on a regular basis and does "husband-y" things around the house (like rearranging the living room and bedroom). he finds great deals (like our cruise) and is very responsible with money. he supports my sometimes-crazy adventures, like training for and riding the ms 150 last year. he goes to midwife appointments with me . . . and seems to enjoy it. and he'll be a phenomenal support during birth.

and in six months, he'll be a fantastic father.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

well, there's definitely a lot in the air, but it'...

well, there's definitely a lot in the air, but it's exciting nonetheless.

exciting to remember that God provides in perfect ways.

exciting to remember that he is intimately aquainted with all my ways.

exciting to remember that he knows what i need before i even ask.

today, i was meeting with charles before our staff meeting. this was our second meeting as this was my second week leading our team. we won't meet the next two weeks and then we'll be half-way through my "tenure." i've enjoyed these meetings so far -- it's fun to see what charles is up to and hear his strategies, vision and planning.

i digress . . . about half-way through our hour-long meeting, charles asked what we are planning to do work-wise once the baby comes. i told him we're still deciding, that i don't think i can stay in my current role full-time and that he could pray for us. to which he responded that he has been. he and stan have been talking about how each region really needs an "assistant" to the regional director -- someone to take the strategy and coordination from the rd. he doesn't really know what it would look like right now, but he's asked us to pray about the opportunity. i'd work part-time as an area director and part-time in this new position.

i'm really excited about the possibility. i knew i wanted to be home more than i am, but the only option seemed to be sarah's mtr role. i could definitely do that, but it certainly wouldn't thrill me. however, i have really enjoyed the "big picture" and strategy parts of kiley's job these last two weeks. i love working on projects, i'm learning, and having a good sense of the whole puzzle.

certainly it's all in the works and nothing is decided. michael and i could really decide this isn't for us and that we want me to actually be home. but, it's very cool to me that this opportunity is beyond what i could have even imagined.

i'm jazzed.

and now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine . . .
ephesians 3:20